Live life to the fullest and reassure your loved ones in case of need

We offer you and your caregivers (family or professional) robust and innovative remote assistance solutions. These solutions collect your health data and offer them in real time to your family or health professionals.

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By having access to your health information at all times, you can check and monitor the stability of your vital signs to feel confident and reassure your family.


You are no longer passive. With IDICARE solutions, you can take action to alert or request medical intervention if necessary.

Why choose IDICARE?

Track medical vitals in real time

With your IDIWATCH watch, follow your blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and many other information at any time! The information is on your wrist, so you can access it wherever you are, as well as your loved ones, via the IDISMART platform.

Alert in case of need

You also have an alert device. When the sensors detect emergency situations, it emits alert signals to the IDISMART platform, to the caregivers, to the nearest emergency services and even to your loved ones.


At the heart of the interconnected device, the IDISMART platform receives, stores and transmits the data provided by the connected devices.

Works with the IDISMART platform

Connected watch

A versatile and easy to use device to monitor the health of our seniors.

Works with the IDISMART platform

Telemedicine box

An all-in-one box to access teleconsultation services in the comfort and security of home.

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