At the heart of the interconnected device, the IDISMART platform receives, stores and transmits the data provided by the connected devices.
The vulnerability of an elderly loved one is often a source of concern or worry in the daily lives of their caregivers (family, friends, etc.). IDICARE offers high-performance medical assistance solutions that provide peace of mind.
Find out moreHealth and safety are major issues for seniors. But also for their relatives. They are under great strain: they are absent, or worried and preoccupied when they work... You have the possibility to help them in their daily life and to bring them more serenity. This is why IDICARE offers its connected solutions.
Caregivers have access to their loved one´s health information at all times. They can check and monitor their vital signs for reassurance.
Strengthen the link with your employees who are caregivers and whom you support on a daily basis. This legitimate commitment to the well-being of vulnerable individuals and their families is an innovative factor in your CSR approach.
The objective of the system is to understand and support the concerns related to the vulnerability endured by our seniors and their loved ones, daily caregivers, families and friends. The solutions developed by IDICARE guarantee security and serenity for all by effectively monitoring the medical constants of seniors in real time and providing optimal follow-up through telemedicine.
At the heart of the interconnected device, the IDISMART platform receives, stores and transmits the data provided by the connected devices.
A versatile and easy to use device to monitor the health of our seniors.
An all-in-one box to access teleconsultation services in the comfort and security of home.