Health connected 3.0

The current health system is largely based on physical documents (analyzes, letters, reports, etc.). With the increase in data collection, this model shows its limits and its insufficiency for secure management.

Meeting new healthcare challenges


Increase in the aging of the population

The world's population is aging. Almost every country in the world is experiencing an increase in the proportion of elderly people in its population.


Increase in the number of patients per caregiver

With an increasing number of elderly patients, caregivers no longer have the time to devote to the human relationship.


The processing and management of secure data

Data security now makes it possible to efficiently process a large amount of personal and confidential information. For an establishment, this digitized management saves precious time.

Solutions 3.0 for professionals

Health is at a turning point in its long history. The need for care is increasing sharply, as a consequence of the aging of the population and the continuous increase in so-called civilization diseases (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, etc.).

The overload of work in many health establishments is obvious. It considerably and sometimes dangerously reduces the recovery capacity of both caregivers and managers.

Health, moreover, has become in a few years the most creative axis of innovation for digital companies. The evolution of legislation on health data, teleconsultation, biometric measurement tools integrated into accessories and many innovations have long married health and web 3.0.

The start-up IDICARE is part of this innovative movement dedicated to cutting-edge technologies whose vocation is before giving back its place to human relations.

IDICARE is designed to help
caregivers and families

Nursing homes and Healthcare facilities

Healthcare institutions benefit from more accurate and simplified management of their patients, as well as more targeted and effective healthcare provision.


Connected families benefit from reliable and up-to-date information on the state of health of their loved ones.

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